Grant Application for Starting New Churches

The San Fernando Presbytery: Evangelism and Church Growth Committee (ECG)

The San Fernando Presbytery cares deeply about starting new churches and new worshipping communities. We have seen healthy growth in our new churches and new worshipping communities since 2010 and we are honored that you would consider partnering with us as you move toward starting a new church. The info below will allow the ECG committee to begin to pray and understand your vision. It will be important for your leadership to have a positive relationship with the Director of Cyclical LA, the Executive Presbyter and the ECG Committee. The Presbytery of San Fernando does not require that every new community identify with the Presbyterian Church (USA). We do require that the new community be offered the option to become Presbyterian when the new community is choosing how to connect ecclesiastically with the world-wide body of Christ.

Our typical protocol to move toward a grant with our committee is as follows. 

  1. Start the Grant Application.

  2. Meet with the Director of Cyclical LA.

  3. Participate with Cyclical LA Discerners Network.

  4. Meet with the Executive Presbyter and the Director of Cyclical LA.

  5. First meeting with the ECG Committee (with info below prepared).

  6. Attend an assessment center.

  7. Second meeting with the ECG Committee (to make a prayerful decision).

  8. Finalize terms and partnership with the Director of Cyclical LA.